Friday, July 2, 2010

And I'm Done!

I finally finished my school work!  I had gotten very behind in a short summer course History of Psychology (2 exams, an outline, a research paper, and 4 quizzes behind).  Thankfully my professor allowed me to turn things in late but it piled up and became overwhelming.  I am NOT a history person so it was very frustrating to do it all in 3 days instead of over the course of a month and a half.  Anywhoodle.. I AM DONE!  I just turned in my last assignments and it is over.

... now a couple more classes and I finally graduate lol.  I have all the credits I need... I just need to raise my in residence GPA .01 percent... *sigh*  No... they don't round up.

Also!!!  Today is DH's 25th Birthday.  Happy 25th Birthday Anniversary honey!!! Yesterday I planted some flowers in a couple of planters I found for 60% off at JoAnns.  They are so pretty!  I'll post pictures later.  Here is one of LB and I having fun in the sun... we're pretty pale so hats and glasses for us!

DH is a bit more tan than we are. :0)
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